Make effortless cooking with whole, plant-based foods a reality.
a system that works.
Even if…you have no time.
Even if…you can’t cook.

“I just wrapped up a three-month vegetarian cooking course with Onur Malay, and I’ve got to say, it was quite the experience. Onur is incredibly knowledgeable about all things vegetarian, and his passion really shines through in every session. Each week, we explored the finer points of flavour balancing and the craft of creating new recipes. Plus, Onur was just an email away for extra guidance throughout the week, which was super helpful.
The course is definitely a significant investment, but for the right person, it’s totally worth it…We got into some advanced stuff like deconstructing and creating recipes and balancing flavour profiles, which was fascinating…
…if you’re ready to dive deep and really step up your game, Onur’s your guy.
All in all, if you’re looking to seriously improve your vegetarian cooking, this course could be a fantastic choice.”

Let me guess. You try to eat healthy and plant-based, but you struggle with time. Many of the foods you used to love are not on the table anymore. You might start wondering about your emotional health as well which is connected to them. You want to stick with it because you’re convinced it’s the best for you and the planet but you might think:
“I’d want to eat better but it’s not easy. I just want to get to a point where good cooking just flows.”
Maybe you’ve bought plant-based cookbooks, read How Not To Die or watched documentaries on Netflix but you want to take things to the next level.
Because after all, you know what good food is, and it’s not always easy to make it with your tight schedule.
And it’s not easy to find recipes that bring quality, convenience and health together. Many food bloggers are die-hard foodies. They don’t even want to get out of the kitchen and their recipes take ages.

How often have you come home hungry and not felt like cooking…How often did you end up eating junk or food that’s not tasty…
Good food
- doesn’t take too much time to prepare
- gives you comfort
- can be diverse and exciting
- represents your identity and heritage
- is a joy to eat
- is nourishing
- is low-fat
- is made of whole plant-based foods (you decide whether oil-free)

You might think you’re lacking time for making good food you love every day. Maybe you’re thinking there is a better way to do this but you don’t have the time and knowledge to realize it. Let me tell you: You’re not lacking time.
You’re only lacking the knowledge and skills to do that.
I’ve had these self-dialogues before:
“I’m exausted, I don’t feel like cooking today. I just want to eat something now.”
“I’m so sick of cooking every day.”
“This food is not nourishing my heart.”
“I really don’t want another of these rainbow smoothies or bean toasts.”
What if it was all different?
Imagine instead for a minute, what would it feel like to figure it all out.
You know you’ll have a healthy lunch and dinner today that you’ll love. You’re not bored by your food. It’s comforting or exciting, depending on however you feel like on that day.
You’ve reached your dream weight and your health is phenomenal.
Imagine you’re coming home. You’re hungry but there is no food ready yet. Your brain is on survival mode and doesn’t want to think. It wants food NOW.
Instead of grabbing whatever is immediately edible (which was not always healthy), you take out your phone and an effortlessly organized recipe base you actually love to cook in those moments never fails to inspire your appetite. You prepared that recipe base last year and it’s going to deeply enrich your life for the rest of your life.
No recipes that aren’t tasty, that you don’t have the ingredients for, that take too long, that you don’t have the equipment for, or that are using anything else than whole, plant-based foods.
You have prepared this recipe base exactly for that moment.
To calm your hunger, you’re having a delicious pear that you got from the farmer’s market while you skillfully peel and slice an onion in 30 seconds. The pears are good! They’ve got the aroma, the balance, the full flavor that you would never find in a conventional supermarket.
Your kitchen is streamlined for efficiency.
You put in the lentils and the veg you just cut and wait about 4 minutes until it’s ready. A final taste to see what it needs. It’s been a while since your lessons on flavor pairing but the intuition has stayed ever since. You know instantly what it needs and add some thyme and cumin to finish it off.
You know how it works, no checking up on it.
While waiting, you’re checking up on a chat with a friend and are also having some grapes to satisfy your initial appetite. In 4 minutes eveything is ready. You’re having a delicious dish with some freshly toasted bread.

You made the lentil dish that your grandma used to make for you, but a little different. You know how to vary a dish and make it a little different every time. You added a little rosemary, apricots and a splash of balsamic vinegar for vibrance and didn’t kill off the fruit. The color is shining and waking your appetite even more.
It smells like home, but your version of it.
Imagine, the foods of your childhood revive in a new light. Your culture and identity are calling you home through food.
Later, you want to watch a TV show on Netflix and your self-made snacks are soon ready.
Tomorrow’s lunch is ready, too. You’re making the efficiency possible through batch-cooking, but not the boring kind where you freeze large amounts of only one meal and eat the same thing for too long. You cook what takes the longest (like potatoes, rice, lentils…) and then combine it when it’s time to eat.

Your colleagues will be gazing over to see what you’ve got in your lunchbox instead of making annoying comments.
You know that what you’re eating is the best you can do to nourish your body and soul.
Preparing food effectively is the key to arguably the most valuable commodity of all: Time.
You have 1.5 hours more time than with conventional cooking methods every day. That’s huge! Imagine what you could do with 1.5 hours time given to you every day…That’s enough time for a whole new hobby! Even three new hobbies! You choose.
You could run, meditate, do yoga, learn a new language, read, start a new side hustle, learn playing a new instrument and spend more time with your family and friends. Do what you never had time for.
You can really do that and I can prove that to you.
I am living that dream every day.
My name is Onur Malay and I’m an online food educator.

Once upon a time, food in my life was a mess. But I’ve figured out a set of techniques to reach the nourishing flow that I had always yearned for.
I spend about 16 minutes a day on average to make breakfast, lunch and dinner. Note, it’s 16 minutes per day, not 16 minutes per meal.
And I’m not talking avocado toast but dishes like this…

I was so serious about achieving the natural, simple but high-quality food culture I envisioned, I went to some of the world’s best restaurants to offer my help in exchange to learn.
I didn’t just become a professional, I eventually ended up working in the world’s most prestigious place to work at in gastronomy: The fermentation lab at Noma. Noma is the World’s Best Restaurant (five times awarded) and has 3 Michelin stars.
It’s where every chef dreams of working but only a few selected get the chance. And much fewer get the chance to work in the fermentation lab, the most advanced food lab in gastronomy.
The acceptance rate is much lower than at Harvard. There, I’ve worked under arguably the best chef of all: René Redzepi.

I am also certified in Plant-based Nutrition by the Center for Nutrition Studies in collaboration with Cornell University.
Also cool: I gave a talk for Copenhagen University, held private dinners on farms and gave workshops on plant-based cooking and fermentation in Berlin.

I have put together all my knowledge and broken down the most critical skills that you need to effortlessly make convenient quality food with whole plant-based ingredients.
It took me years.
You don’t need to go through all of this on your own because I’ve done it for you. We together can give food the attention it deserves so that you can get things right once and for all for the rest of your life.
Contrary to other content creators, nutritionists and educators, I don’t just have the nutritional know-how but the culinary skills to make plant-based nutrition a true delight.
Introducing Plant-based Flow
Plant-based Flow is my 3 month coaching program where you can learn exactly that.
You’ll learn how to use the tools and techniques that are field-tested in restaurants by the world’s best chefs.
Most people either focus on the nutrition part, the culinary part or the psychological part but either one of those don’t work on their own. You need to bring them together. That’s what I’m doing in my program.
We’ll automate the nutrition part and focus on the culinary and psychological aspects of healthy eating.
Here the contents:
The general structure of the course is divided into three stages, one stage in each month.
Obviously, we’ll do what you need most. The program is designed for flexibility. If you can cook well already, we can skip the basics and dive deeper into the rest.
In the first stage, we will be shifting multiple game-changing perspectives.
We’ll get you comfortable with ingredients, your kitchen and time management while also thinking about your personal food culture at home already.
Next, we’ll build the skills and habits for your flow. Here, you’ll get a (mouthwatering) taste of how awesome it feels to actually master your food habits.
The last month is all about making good eating habits last. It will include trying out, tweaking or developing dishes that you love making regularly; further developing basic skills and practicing psychological tools to ensure optimal long-term results.
The 3 month package will include
- one weekly 1-hour call
- I will constantly support you throughout the three months via email (I’ll answer in 48h)
- lifetime access to written material, quizzes and worksheets
What you get
- blueprint on effortlessly cooking fast, with innovative batch-cooking and eclectically putting the most effective cooking practices in order
- tailored to your preferences, memories, cultural background, (childhood etc) and needs
- can research together based on national or local cuisine
- help approach unhealthy dishes you love in a healthier way
- modifying, creating recipes (in some cases veganizing)
- guidance in researching local high-quality produce and ingredients
- (fermentation, depending on interest)
- honest feedback
In detail, this looks like
1st month: Empowerment
- Goal Setting
- Essence of cuisine of interest
- Motivation: Nutrition, Environment, Joy
- Finding home and creating culture
- Basics of fermentation
- Produce
- Finance
- Time management
2nd month: Practice
- Food habits
- Basic culinary knowledge
- The art of building convenient healthy habits
- Flexibility, Diversity, Creativity
- Advanced fermentation
- Kitchen tools
- Kitchen skills
3rd month: Development
- Flavor Pairing
- Feeling comfortable, happy, at home with food
- Crafting exceptional dishes with fermented foods
- Automation
- Cooking flow
- Practice of learned material
This is not one of those quick solutions. Figuring it out is a deep matter and takes time. We are going to approach it in three months. This 3 month package costs $1,500. So it’s $500 per month for one-on-one world class food coaching.
There is a risk-free discovery call for us to see if it’s a good fit for the both of us.
After taking the program, I want you to be able to say:
“I always loved food but rarely have the time to make sth nice for myself. Sometimes I just endesd up eating random things. With Onur’s help, food is simply not a problem in my life anymore. I also realized, some things are a work in progress and I’m really improving every week. My friends are impressed and I can finally show that my decision to live a plant-based lifestyle comes at no cost! To the contrary.
I have an amazing recipe base that is truly fitting my taste and my daily limitations.”
“I wanted to eat healthier but it just came to a point where I was pretty bored. Blog recipes or the cookbooks I have on whole food plant-based cooking often turn out to be full with recipes that take either too long to make or are frankly not very tasty.
I never had an idea of how much wholesome joy is hidden in whole, plant-based foods.”
“It’s amazing how effertless it has become to be in control of my health and weight. I feel so much more confident and attractive with my body now.”
What matters most in life?
I know it’s a serious investment. Spend time and money for things that actually matter. What do you wish your loved ones in the most important moments like on New Year’s Eve or on their birthdays? Health! Are you living according to those values day in day out and enjoying it?
Now is the time to walk the walk.
More comprehensive, customized and powerful than any other food coaching, course or book I’ve seen anywhere.
Can You Do it Yourself?
Sure, it’s not rocket science. You could do it on your own. But are you? It’s not simple.
Even when I was working at the world’s top restaurants, I still wasn’t happy with my eating habits.
And the other Michelin star chefs I’ve lived with weren’t different.
You could gather books and courses on those topics and plod through the contradicting claims and superficial guides, or you could enjoy a bullet-proof system and just let it do it’s magic. Because my program has only one purpose: Empower busy people to make convenient quality food with whole, plant-based ingredients.
End with the frustration of being confused by contradicting health claims and trendy diets.
You might struggle with time, getting the culinary quality you want, finding the right recipes, tiredness, headache, low concentration, obesity, high cholesterol levels, blood sugar, weak immune system, acne, digestive problems…
If you want to get rid of those and want
- 1.5 hours more time every day
- your dream weight
- cooking with ease
- mental well-being
- more vigor
- higher concentration
- better immune system
- healthy gut flora
- longevity
Food is the single most impactful aspect of your life on your health and the environment. Give it the attention it deserves.
Invest in your Health – Why not Today?
I invite you to a free discovery call.
I guarantee my program is unrivaled. If you don’t love it, I will send you 100% of your money back.